January 25th Full Moon
Intuition, Solitude, Roving in Darkness
This is the time to set intentions for the new year with a focus on protection, transformation, cleansing, purification, healing, inner power, insight, self-reflection, and quiet.
Lone Wolf Ritual
A meditation for meeting the Mid-Winter Crone
Light your candle
Imagine you stand at the edge of a frozen lake at night. The full Wolf Moon shines over head. A wolf Howls harken the arrival of the hooded crone, moving towards you slowly. Without effort. She is wise and she has something to tell you.
What does grandmother tell you of winter?
What tasks does she have for your souls nourishment?
Witches Circles
Divination Magic
The 1st full moon of the solar year may call the circle to engage in discussion and exercises that cultivate intuition. Honor the Wolf Moon through oracle, wild divination, meditation and dream-work.
Desire, Ask, Believe, Receive.
-Stella Terrill Man
Start a Dream Journal
At The Height of laughter the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. -Jean Houston
Live fully, for that is the purpose of life. Never refrain from earthly existence. From it we grow to learn and understand until such a time that we are reborn to learn more, repeating this cycle 'till we have spiraled up the path of perfection and can finally call the universe our kin. -Scott Cunningham